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Alberta Learning Program 

Brighter Beginnings is also a registered Private Early Childhood Services (ECS) program, offering programming to children ages 2.8 yrs to Kindergarten. ECS programs address the developmental needs of children before they enter Grade 1.

ECS programs are required to be administered by a Certificated Teacher and as such, Brighter Beginnings maintains a teacher on staff to manage this program.

Eligibility & Application

  • Children who receive early entrance ECS programming must be assessed by a qualified therapist  and present with a diagnosis of a disability or  developmental delay as set out in   the Alberta Special Education Coding Criteria. 


Program Unit Funding

  • Program Unit Funding ( PUF ) refers to funding available for children who have 1) a formal diagnosis of a disability or 2) a severe delay in Speech & Language. Children who qualify have access to the following services;

  •  ECS programming funded through Alberta Learning 

  • Services from a variety of specialists including a Speech & Language Pathologist, Occupational Therapist, Physiotherapist or Educational Psychologist

  • Individualized & appropriate programming based on the assessed needs of the child


Mild & Moderate Funding

  • Mild & Moderate Funding provides access to early entrance  ECS programming entry if a children is assessed as having a mild or moderate developmental delay 

  • Child will receive Speech & Language Therapy, Occupational Therapy or any other professional services deemed necessary

  • Additional classroom supports and resources will be provided. 



  • Children attending Brighter Beginnings under Alberta Learning funding do not pay a fee to attend as this is covered by the Department Of Education.

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