Outreach Program
Brighter Beginnings offers networking and social opportunities for families with young child in rural communities within the County of Vermilion River. Our Outreach Programs are supported and funded by the County of Vermilion River FCSS.
Our community outreach programs are a free of charge drop-in child and parent centered program. This program is available for all families with young children
Drop in, no cost basis, great way to connect with people in your community.
Offers a preschool program with a traveling library
Play program including stories, crafts, songs, toys and snacks.
Builds social skills in preschool children.
Programs in Kitscoty, Clandonald, Paradise Valley, Dewberry, Blackfoot & Marwayne.
Parent sessions on relevant topics such as nutrition, stress management, Farm Safety, First Aide, health and parenting strategies.
Contact Brighter Beginnings at 780-853-6633
Outreach program email - outreachbrighterbeginnings@gmail.com