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Welcome to
Vermilion Brighter Beginnings
Brighter Beginnings supports children and families to reach their full potential with early childhood education programs designed around play, imagination, structure and fun.
Our program is a preschool program.
4 & 5 year old- Mon/Wed. or Tues./Thurs. 8:45-3:15
3 year old- Friday 1/2 day 8:45-11:20
We also offer inclusive early intervention programs to children that qualify,
please contact us to discuss your child's eligibility.
Out of school programming including before school, afterschool & Kindercare is
available only for children eligible for Kindergarten.

Our Programs
We're here for families, the community and you! Brighter Beginnings has something of value for all families in and around our community.
We offer:
Centre-Base Preschool Program Ages 3-5
Before & After School Care (Currently waitlisting)
Outreach Programs
Time to Rhyme
Summer Program ages 3-Kindergarten

Our Philosophy
Early intervention involves a partnership with parents, community services and professionals working together to maintain healthy families. We use a family-centered approach to build stronger families and communities.

Our Mission
Strengthening families with young children.

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