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Time To Rhyme

Time to Rhyme runs out of the Vermilion Public Library basement on Thursday mornings from 10:00 to 11:30. This program is for families with babies and up and provides an opportunity to explore language through songs and fingerplays! Time to Rhyme runs on a drop in basis and is provided at no charge.  It is a great opportunity for parents and children to network and meet new friends. Group snack is provided at the end of the session. Come sing with us!!

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Rhyme Time.heic

Zoom, Zoom, Zoom

Zoom, zoom, zoom, we're going to the moon.

Zoom, zoom zoom, we're going to the moon.

If you want to take a trip, climb aboard my rocket ship.

Zoom, zoom, zoom, we're going to the moon in.......

5, 4, 3, 2, 1, BLAST OFF!!!

Zoom, zoom, zoom, we're going to the moon.

Zoom, zoom zoom, we're going to the moon.

Upside down and all around, I'll take you where the stars are found.

Zoom, zoom, zoom, we're going to the moon in.......

5, 4, 3, 2, 1, BLAST OFF!!!


© 2023 by Vermilion & Area Brighter Beginnings created with

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